by Sadanand Technologies



STP or Sadanand Tattvagyan Parishad which is a Dharmik Association of world-wide GODly Devoted Bhakt...

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STP or Sadanand Tattvagyan Parishad which is a Dharmik Association of world-wide GODly Devoted Bhakta-Sevak to change this world with Devotion and Seva to Khuda-GOD-Bhagwan-Sat SiriAkaal for the sake of a stable peace and pleasure with continual rise in life. Sadanand Tattvagyan Parishad declares Param Pujya Sant Gyaneshwar Swami Sadanand Ji Paramhans to be the present Bestower of Tattvagyan as was previously imparted by Lord Vishnu Ji, Lord Ram Ji and Lord Krishna Ji in forthgoing eras. IF YOU ARE AN ATHEIST : This is the best place where you will find your doubts cleared with full satisfaction as this Association is based on the Practical Supreme Knowledge of Khuda-GOD-Bhagwan-Sat SiriAkaal. Therefore, it gives you full analytical freedom for known and unknown facts to be taken up for analysis. The Supreme System, on which this Association is based upon, is known as Tattvagyan which you might not have found in the world so far. So you will find new concepts of Self, Soul and GOD. This would be a new dimension of your doubt-clearance. IF YOU ARE A THEIST: You need the Highest Truth which comprises in itself all the doctrines and principals of the present and foregoing religious leaders. Partial or fractional knowledge leads one towards confusion on the one hand and towards short-term achievements on the other. This Association assures you to guide for the highest goal of your life with a freedom of preparing a comparative view with others doctrines. Join us immediately. IF YOU ARE DISCIPLE OF A LIVING GURU: This is the best Association for you for analyzing every aspect already known or received or not known or not received by you from your Guru. This Association is based on Tattvagyan of Lord Vishnu Ji, Lord Ram Ji and Lord Krishna Ji and now of Prabhu Sadanand Ji; therefore, you can certainly achieve the better trend as compared to what you are currently having. The reason for this is that the Tattvagyan is all the True, Supreme and Perfect. This is the newest System in this era of Kaliyuga. The Association, therefore, will help you in: 1. Enhancing your faith and devotion; 2. Gaining conformity in concepts for its truthfulness and 3. Authentic base of certainty for achieving Immortality under the System of Tattvagyan after casting off your body. IF YOUR GURU IS A PERFECT GURU: Fortunately, if you have attached yourself with a Perfect Guru (Sadguru), you will find this Association most helping in enhancing 1. Degree of belief by ascertaining true concepts of your Guru; 2. Degree of surrendership and devotion by assuring highest achievements authentically and 3. Degree of fearlessness against others ostentation by exposing real concepts. IF YOU HAVE NO GURU OR YOUR GURUS GONE: No problem! You may analyse whether a Guru is necessary for your upliftment towards Immortality or not. Decide yourself freely and frankly. If you like a better Guru in the same line as your previous Guru was, you may find and decide yourself by comprehending the true path. This Association will help you in both the cases you like a Guru or you dont like a Guru. IF YOU ARE IN SEACH OF A SADGURU: The Supreme Knowledge of a Sadguru bestows Liberation and Immortality over and above Maya to all GODly Surrendered Devotees. How to recognize a Real Sadguru? This Association helps a lot in finding a Real Sadguru with a full and illustrative comparison with others. This Association makes you achieve descriptive knowledge so that you may be in a doubtless position to choose the Real Sadguru. IF YOU ARE A PHILOSOPHER, THINKER OR ANALYSER: Knowledge is ever beneficial whatsoever it may be of. You are perfectly free for an analytical approach over any concept of this Association. Know ahead of what you already know. Think, analyse and contemplate over all concepts being presented by this Association including those of Self, Soul and GOD.